
Helping schools, community groups, sport teams, and other organizations reach their goals.

Raise the funds you need for your group with Stuart’s Spices Fund Raiser. The fund raiser offers lots of choices: choose from 12 different blends in 3 different sizes. There’s something for everyone!

We’ll email you a printable starters packet which includes product information, a sample order form, fund raising agreement, and credit card info sheet that you can send back to us to get started.

Earn up to 35% of your sales!

Start your Fundraiser with these easy steps...

Submit the "Start Your Fundraiser" form

After you do, we'll email you a printable starter kit, complete with product info, sample order form, fund raising agreement, and credit card info sheet. Start Your Fundraiser

Fill out the Agreement & Credit Card Info forms

Full out the Fund Raising Agreement and the Credit Card Info sheets and send them back to us [email protected]

Distribute sale sheets & order forms to your members

We'll email you sale sheets and order forms that you can print and distribute to your members.

Sell the Spices!

You and your teammates sell to everyone and anyone who loves cooking and eating.

Submit your sales to us

Turn in your sales using the master sales sheet along with a cashiers check for the cost of the product. You keep your share, up to 33%, of the money received.

Distribute the spices!

We'll ship the spices to you for you to distribute to your friends.

Have a Question?

We’re happy to answer any question you may have about fundraising with us!

Call Us


Send An Email

[email protected]