Moroccan Vegetable Stew

Moroccan Vegetable Stew

This recipe is full to the brim with vegetables, and is completely vegan!


  • 1 onion, diced large pieces
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ head cauliflower, cut into small florets
  • 5 carrots, thick sliced
  • 4 stalks celery, thick sliced
  • 1 large sweet potato, diced ½ inch
  • 2 bell peppers, diced into large chunks
  • 3-4 cups broth
  • 1 can diced tomatoes or fresh tomatoes, diced
  • 2 cups green peas
  • 1 cup dried apricots, cut into small chunks
  • 1 (15 oz.) can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
  • 3-4 tablespoons Stuart’s Spices Moroccan Seasoning 
  • 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
  • 1 teaspoon Stuart’s Spices Black Pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F
  2. In Dutch oven or a large pot, sauté onion in oil until translucent, about 5 minutes
  3. Add 1 tablespoon Moroccan seasoning
  4. Add cauliflower, carrots, celery, sweet potato & bell peppers and sauté another 3-5 min
  5. Add broth, tomatoes, salt, pepper and remaining 2 tablespoons of the Moroccan Seasoning
  6. Heat just to a boil
  7. Bake for 20 minutes in Dutch oven or oven-safe pan
  8. Remove from oven & taste; adjust seasonings
  9. Add green peas, apricots, garbanzo beans & return to oven for 25 more minutes or until vegetables are tender
  10. Most of the liquid should be absorbed
  11. Serve alone or over rice or couscous and enjoy!


Optional: If you would like to add a protein to this dish, we suggest chicken thighs cooked while also using the Moroccan Seasoning to bring the flavors together.